Lake Travis Church of Christ

Our Identity in Christ

Identity in Christ

As a young boy in Indiana playing sports of all kinds, I really felt significant.  I felt important when people cheered me on.  I felt significant when I won awards and was recognized for my talent and abilities.  My mom has always been my biggest cheerleader and still is a big encouragement to this day with my endeavors.

Unfortunately, many people have never felt significant.  They don’t know who they are.  They never felt the love, security, purpose or a sense of belonging.

Even though many of us have a sense of belonging in life, I believe knowing I’m a child of God is the most significant thing of all.  Knowing that I’m loved and have been adopted into the family of Jesus Christ is more significant than anything on earth.

Having an identity in Christ gives me the freedom of knowing that I was made a new creation in Christ Jesus.  The old me is no more and the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Because of this new identity, I now have a new attitude and new spirit.  It’s no longer I that lives, but it’s now Christ living in me and through me (Galatians 2:20).

With this new identity comes greater responsibility.  Paul describes some of these virtues in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 where love is the greatest of all.

Our new identity in Christ will allow us to be more………. (You fill in the blank)



Resource(s):  Personal Bible study from the (NIV) Bible