Lake Travis Church of Christ

What Are You Choosing To Do?

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CNN Weather Center covered the massive snow storm on the East coast over the past few days and posted an article titled, “Will it come?  How much snow will come?”   An editor asked, “Are you preparing for the storm, or are you already snowed in?”

I watched as people flooded the grocery stores and emptied the shelves.  I watched as people flooded the hardware stores and bought up all the ice melt.  More than 50 million were expected to be effected by the wintery blast.  People listened to the meteorologist forecast and millions wanted to make sure they were prepared.  Many were prepared for it, but others waited and procrastinated.

I’m asking all of you who are reading this article, are you prepared?  Are you preparing yourselves for the coming of our Lord or are you procrastinating?

The Word of God teaches us that when Jesus comes for the second time, He will come as a conquering King and He will arrive in the glory of His Father with a host of angels by His side.

So the question is not will He come, but when will He come?  It was forecasted long ago that He would return one day.  No one knows the hour or the day, not even Jesus, only our Father in heaven.

This means we cannot neglect the gift of salvation until the last minute, because no one knows how much time they have remaining.  If you haven’t begun preparing yourselves, get started by opening up a Bible and begin with Mark 1:1.

Yes, millions were affected by the East coast blizzard, but billions and trillions upon trillions of souls will be affected by what you choose to do or what you choose not to do.

Don’t procrastinate.  Don’t wait.  Choose today with whom you will serve.


Resource(s):  Personal Bible study from the (NIV) Bible and